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    Featrix Support: Uploading Data

    Getting Started with Featrix: Uploading Data

    Featrix provides a number of ways to connect data for training.

    Uploading in the User Interface

    For small amounts of data, uploading in the user interface is easy and straightforward. However, browser-based networking can be iffy at times and you may want other options.


     Uploading via the Python API

     You can upload to Featrix via the API. Create a new API Key, and use the sample code to instantiate a Featrix object in Python.


    Uploading to S3 Presigned URLs

    We are adding support for presigned private URLs that you can use with any HTTP client, such as curl. This will be exposed in the user interface shortly.


    Downloading to Featrix

    You can give a URL for Featrix to fetch, such as a Google Drive, Dropbox, or an S3 'public' url.


    Connecting Directly to a Cloud Database

    In private preview. Please contact us at if you'd like to connect MongoDB, Snowflake, or BigQuery to Featrix directly.


    Featrix API Example

    First, create your API keys in the user interface. Once you have the client_id and the client_secret, store them somewhere safe (environment variable, secrets manager, etc).

    Next, install the featrixclient package with pip:

    $ pip install featrixclient

    Now you can write a script or use a Jupyter notebook as follows:


    import featrixclient as ft

    client_id = '...'              # e.g., os.environ['FEATRIX_CLIENT_ID']

    client_secret = '...secret...' # e.g., os.environ['FEATRIX_CLIENT_SECRET_ID']

    fc = ft.Featrix(client_id, client_secret)

    # Remember, you can say help(fc), help(ft), etc. to view the built-in documentation.

    fc.upload_file("path/to/csv.csv") # Returns a FeatrixUpload object on success or will raise an exception

    At this point, you can connect the data in the user interface


    Additional Help

    These additional articles are here to help.

    • API Keys

      Learn about our API keys, security, and teams.

    • API Documentation

      Everything in Featrix is accessible via our documented API.

    • Multiple Data Sets

      Learn how to connect multiple data sets together, even when there is no join key.

    • Neural Function Performance

      Learn about accuracy, precision, recall, and other metrics with Featrix.

    • Updating Data

      Learn how to add new versions of data and train new models.

    • Billing and Credits

      Learn how billing and credits work.

    How can we help?

    Reach out via or schedule time to meet with a developer on our team.