Progress Bars as a Service
Complex composite task reporting made easy
Does your progress bar get stuck at 100% for 5 minutes?
Anyone can build a progress bar. It's easy.
progress = current_index / len(list)
Right? Well, sometimes. But often times we have some preprocessing. We have some postprocessing. We might branch off and start a second task in parallel. Keeping up with all these parts and predicting when we're going to be done gets gnarly fast.
We built Featrix Progress for ourselves, but we realized it would be useful for other developers, too. Our own product runs multiple jobs across a variety of clouds and branches depending on what is needed. Communicating to the customer how long is remaining on a task and what the likely milestones are in the task can get complicated fast.
This is not a matter of merely hooking up a WebSocket or other data messaging—the problem we are solving here is the estimation of what steps and time remaining is likely to be given the user's task.
Featrix Progress leverages our AI engine and our feeds engine to let you send events to Featrix and ask for an estimate on how long is remaining on the given task. You don't have to explicitly do anything other than send information to Featrix about a task and let Featrix take care of the rest. Featrix will train models that adapt over time and can learn complex relationships from parameters, such as hardware, complexity of objects you are operating on, or whatever other metadata you want to provide about the task.
Sounds cool right? Sign up and let us know you want to give it a try! Feel free to drop us a line at
- ✅ Event-based API with no state
- ✅ Use from backend
- ✅ Turn your indefinite progress into more specific progress.
- ✅ Track user messages, state, and flow with clear messages.
"Progress bars have always been hard. I once worked on a product where the first progress bar implementation was to print 0%, do half the work, print 50%, and then do the other half."
"We really need to do a better job with this progress bar; we say it's 100% done and then nothing happens for a few minutes, and then we say we're finished."
"Just make it an indefinite progress bar; it's going to be too hard to estimate how long it will take because it varies based on so many different conditions."
Ready to get started?
How about a poster?
AI is a confusing space, so we built a glossary poster.
You can download the PDF or we'll be happy to mail you a 22" x 28" copy for your wall.